LATEST NEWS (16/06/2010)

Breaking News ~ After 44 years gone with the wind, we were able to communicate with our beloved first Peace Corp’s teacher, Mr. Chet Bolay. As you all remember, Mr. Chet Bolay teaches us for three years i.e. from 1964 to 1966. However because of language barrier, the boys were not that closed with him except for Datuk Muhammad Noor. Others could hardly speak English!!! The girls? Yes, they were much much better than the boys. Aizan, Mariamah, Siti, Sansider, Hasnah, Tan Choo Pan and many others were all fluent in English. So they were much closer with the teacher.

I still remember the only words we were able to say was the phrase “Please teacher may I go out?”. We must remembered this phrase, if not we have to pee in the class!!! However, one unfine morning, I have a stomachache. So I went in front to the teacher (At that time it was Mrs. Lim) and asked for permission “Please teacher may I go out?”. “Why?” asked Mrs. Lim.Macam mana nak jawab ni…I said to myself!!! I never expected such a question from her, usually she just says “yes”. But don’t know what happened that day!!! Ah sudah, perut makin sakit ni. Cannot stand it any more, I just ran out of the classroom toward the toilet without answering the question ………what a relief. Any problems will be tackled after coming out of the toilet…..

Anyway coming back to our Mr. Chet Bolay, below is his family photo and a short note for us to share with each other. His contact no. is 239-549-9234 (USA), e-mail:, address: 3305 SE 4th Avenue, Cape Coral, F33904 USA. Please feel free to communicate with him……

LATEST NEWS (14/04/2010)

They said, no news is good news…..May be right, may be wrong . Anyway, below are the latest news about our members:-

  1. Datuk Muhamad Noor telah brsara sebagai Duta Malaysia di WTO Geneva dan telah pulang ke Kuala Lumpur pada akhir Disember 2009. Beliau sekarang telah memegang jawatan secara kontrak sebagai Pengarah Eksekutif (Executive Director) dengan APEC yang beribu pejabat di Singpura. Beliau boleh dihubungi melalui no. (65) 6891 9601 atau e-mail

  1. Dato’ Wan Seman telah bersara daripada jawatan Ketua Pengarah, Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran pada bulan Oktober 2009. Beliau sekarang berkhidmat dengan dua (2) buah syarikat seperti berikut:-

  1. Dato’ Ab. Rashid Adam juga telah bersara sejak tahun 2007 dan sekarang sedang menjalankan perniagaan sendiri seperti berikut:-

Sekian dan sekiranya ada berita terkini, sila e-mailkan kepada urusetia ( untuk tindakan lanjut.

Yusoff Mamat

Setiausaha Kehormat